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Charlottesville, VA – Sep. 17 – Brooks Hall / University of Virginia

Mingus Awareness Project
Sunday, September 17, 2017
5:00pm - All Ages
Brooks Hall / University of Virginia (map)
University Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Other Info
WTJU and The Charlottesville Jazz Society, present a special benefit concert by The Mingus Awareness Project.

The legendary bassist and composer Charles Mingus died of complications from Amyothrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in 1979. The Mingus Awareness Project is a series of concerts that benefits organizations that provide support for individuals who have ALS, as well as their families. More than a dozen Mingus Awareness Project concerts have happened in Chicago, Richmond, and other cities. MAP concerts provide opportunities for audiences and performers to celebrate the music of Charles Mingus, as well as music by composers who perform during MAP concerts.

Participating musicians for this concert include an all-star array of some of Virginia’s finest jazz talent. This Project is spear-headed by Richmond based drummer and composer Brian Jones. He has put together various combinations of players including aunique guitar duo with Adam Larrabee and Jamal Milner. Saxophonist Charles Owens, trumpeter John D’earth, drummer Robert Jospe, pianist Butch Taylor and saxophonist JC Kuhl will also perform duo, trio and quartet sets. Proceeds from the concert will go to ALS support groups.

The concert will take place at 5:00 pm on Sunday September 17th in UVA's Brooks Hall. Tickets are $15 general admission, $12 for paid supporters of The Charlottesville Jazz Society, and $10 for students. Any tickets remaining at the door will be $20, but the concert is expected to sell out. For more information visit, or call gary at 434 249-6191. Be sure to listen for the music of Charles Mingus and The Mingus Awareness Project on WTJU, 91.1 FM.

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